Large Drug Bust at Goldsboro's Serena Inn Motel

A lengthy investigation conducted by members of the Goldsboro/Wayne County REACT Team resulted in multiple search warrants being executed at the Serena Inn Motel on August 20, 2016. The following charges were filed at the conclusion of the search of the Serena Inn Motel.
NAME: Jamire Radzon Hines
ADDRESS: 708 Corporate Drive Room 208, Goldsboro, NC
DOB: 11-02-1995
CHARGES: PWISD Cocaine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
BOND: $10,000 Secured
NAME: Morris Patrick William
ADDRESS: 708 Corporate Drive Room 159, Goldsboro, NC 27530
DOB: 08-16-1984
CHARGES: PWISD Marijuana, Felony Possession of Cocaine, Felony Maintaining
A Dwelling, Possess Drug Paraphernalia
BOND: $10,000 Secured
NAME: Kimyotta Laterice Williams
ADDRESS: 708 Corporate Drive Room 159, Goldsboro, NC 27530
DOB: 06-21-1985
CHARGES: PWISD Marijuana, Felony Possession of Cocaine, Felony Maintaining
A Dwelling, Possess Drug Paraphernalia
BOND: $5,000 Secured
NAME: Dionco Rolaan Hamilton
ADDRESS: 708 Corporate Drive Room 128, Goldsboro, NC 27530
DOB: 03-30-1974
CHARGES: Possession of MDMA, Possession of Cocaine, and Possession of Marijuana
BOND: $2,500 Secured
NAME: Ashley Megan Rose
ADDRESS: 708 Corporate Drive Room 227, Goldsboro, NC 27530
DOB: 08-03-1993
CHARGES: Felony Probation Violation
BOND: $7,500 Secured
ASSISTING OFFICER(S): Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, Goldsboro Police Department, Johnston County Sheriff’s Office, North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement
BRIEF NARRATIVE: After months of investigations conducted by both the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office and Goldsboro Police Department, Officers received enough information to secure multiple search warrants on at least twelve rooms located at the Serena Inn Motel, 708 Corporate Drive, Goldsboro, NC 27530. Approximately 70 Officers from the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, Goldsboro Police Department, Johnston County Sheriff’s Office and the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division assisted in the execution of the aforementioned search warrants. Once law enforcement officers secured the rooms within the motel searches were conducted and contraband to include marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, MDMA, and firearms were seized. In additional to the above listed charges, eight citations were issued for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, two citations issued for Possession of Marijuana, and one citation for Fictitious Information.
NOTE: Further information concerning this case may be obtained by contacting Major Thomas Effler at (919) 580-4067