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Brooke’s Fresh Cut Flower Farm

Brooke Neal Freeman is enjoying growing flowers in the Rosewood community. A lot of flowers! Creating a flower farm had been a dream for a couple of years, so in the fall of 2018, after completing a Masters in Social Work for her “day job,” Brooke enrolled in a flower farming course. Local fresh-cut flower farming is a new trend, that also helps our planet. Using in-season, locally growing flowers reduces shipment costs and lengthens the time that flowers are fresh after purchase.

In April 2019, Brooke bought a 36 x 190 used greenhouse, and with help of family, rounded up a knowledgeable group of people to disassemble and relocate it. While waiting on power, water, and re-assembly of the greenhouse, Brooke was planting on a small piece of open land. Starting her seeds under grow lights, as soon as there was plastic on the greenhouse, she filled it up! Then, she and her family started praying the flowers would grow!

Now, beautiful blooms of Tulips, Ranunculus, Stock, Sweet Peas, Anemones, False Queen Anne’s Lace, Cosmos, and more are appearing daily! Currently, market bouquets are sold at Easy Bait and Tackle on 117, the Bicycle Shop on Center Street, From the Heart on Berkeley Blvd., and On-Site Landscaping on Highway 70 W. Brooke creates arrangements privately for special occasions and plans to have flowers available at the farmers market. You can see Brooke’s work on Instagram and Facebook @brookesfreshcutflowerfarm.

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