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June Senior Events

Wayne County Services on Aging/Peggy Seegars Senior Center PSA

Contact Paula Edwards @ 919-705-1785 or Lisa Weston@ 919-731-1589

CLOSED-Tuesday, July 4, 2023 Independence Day

Elder Abuse and Scam Awareness Symposium

This symposium on Wednesday, June 20, 2023, from 9:00am to 12:30pm will focus on topics relevant to protecting Wayne County seniors and will feature key speakers. The event is free and open to the public with advance registration REQUIRED by June 14, call Lisa Weston @ 919-731-1589.

Symposium topics will include” Types and Signs of Elder Abuse” presented by Ashley Dawson from DSS APS Adult Services; “Exploitation, Fraud and Scams” presented by Detective Sgt. Kit Walston of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department, and” Yes, We Can! Help Stop Investment, Charity, Counterfeit Bad Actors & Use Advanced Directives” presented by Secretary of State, NC, Agency Legal Specialist, Ann Elmore.

Goshen Medical Mobile Unit-FREE Screenings Offered

Wednesday, June 7, 2023, from 9:00am to 1:00pm, the Goshen Medical Mobile Unit will be at the Senior Center. The staff of the Mobile Unit will be offering FREE Cardiac Screenings, Tobacco Cessation programming and Mental Health Evaluations. Appointments for the Mobile Unit are required. Please call Kathleen Ivey at 919-731.1608 to schedule an appointment.

Presentation on using Public Transportation in Wayne County

Scheduling rides for medical appointments outside of Wayne County

Don Willis, Executive Director for Gateway Transit Authority, will be here on Tuesday, June 13 at 10:30 am. Mr. Willis will talk about Gateway routes, reservations and dispatch. He will share tips for making your GWTA trip a success.

Wayne County Public Library Presentation – IT’S MORE THAN JUST BOOKS

Do you like to sew, try new puzzles, and share recipes? Join us to learn about all the free activities and volunteer opportunities going on at your local Wayne County Public Library! On Tuesday, June 27th, Anna Snyder, Head of Reference, and Heather Gray, Reference Librarian, will be at the Peggy Seegars Senior Center from 10:30am-11:00am in the cafeteria. Come and learn about what’s going on at the library- it’s a whole lot more than books!

FREE 5x7 portrait by ALIO Photography

By appointment only! ALIO Photography will be at the Senior Center on Friday, June 9, 2023. Members of the Center who would like a free 5x7 portrait can call Lisa Weston @ 919-731-1589 for a sitting appointment.

Hiking Group

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 11:00am. We will walk at Old Waynesborough Park, 801 US-117 in Goldsboro. When you arrive at the park, drive straight thru the park to the last parking lot. Registration is required, to register, please call 919-731-1589.

FREE Smart Device Clinics

Do you need help with your Smart Phone, iPad, laptop, or any other devices? Kevin Grundmeier will help you. Clinics with one-on-one appointments are on Wednesdays for Senior Center members. For an appointment, call Lisa Weston @ 919-731-1589.


TOPIC-Communication with Dementia

Therapeutic Alternatives Mental Health Specialty Team is offering a monthly education series designed to provide information for individuals providing care and support for a friend or family member or have an interest in the geriatric population. The program’s goal is to strengthen your skills and resilience and bolster the ability to nurture and support those for whom you care. A one-hour continuing education certificate will be available for each participant. Class may be attended in-person or on Zoom. There is no charge or age requirement for this class. Professionals, unpaid caregivers and family members are all welcome. To set up a ZOOM link call 919-731-1589.

Operation Fan Heat Relief

Operation Fan Heat Relief (OFHR) is a summer program intended to provide a more comfortable living environment and to reduce heat related illnesses. Summertime can be a difficult and dangerous time for our seniors in Wayne County especially when they do not have a means to keep their homes cool. Contributions from Duke Energy Progress make it possible for OFHR to provide fans to Wayne County Seniors at no cost that have a home situation where a threat to health and well-being exists. Fans are very limited through this funding. However, the Peggy Seegars Senior Center will gladly accept donated new fans or monetary donations to buy fans to distribute to seniors in need. For more information, you may contact Kathleen Ivey at 919-731-1608.

Independence Day Ice Cream Social-July 3rd

Celebrate July 4th. Join us for fun and fellowship on Friday, July 3rd for an Ice Cream Social at 12:00 noon. We would love to see you for Ice Cream and all the toppings!


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