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Summer Daze...........By Mary Wroblewski

August 26, 2024.  The first day of school for all Traditional Public Schools in Wayne County.  Are you ready parents? Are you prepared?  Is your armor on?  Are you in the proper mind-set to be vigilant and strong enough to be able to support and advocate for your child/children? More importantly, are your children ready to wade again into the deep end of underfunded schools?

 In the past, new school year, new teachers, perhaps new school, maybe new counselors or new friends, was likely the most emotionally taxing concern for students and parents at the start of the school year. However, since 2021, underfunded schools put a much heavier burden on parents and students elevating their worry meter with: increases in student to teacher ratios, the reliability of public-school bus transportation to and from school, and the physical safety of students…not only throughout the school day, but during school sponsored before and after school events.  Does the teacher have what is needed to teach while keeping order in the classroom? Do students have the time and attention of the teacher when they need help to understand a concept or expected task?  Do schools have the supplies/books/teaching implements necessary to give their students the education they deserve?  Where does the funding go?  Is it to pay the best qualified teachers/support staff/bus drivers/maintenance crews?  Does the funding outfit our schools with ALL the tools necessary to provide the best possible environment for learning and maintaining safety while students are in school, and traveling to and from schools using public school transportation?

If these are questions that keep you up at night, you are not alone.  Most schools in the US today are underfunded and, their budgeted cost is going up daily as inflation continues to rise.  This makes schools unable to properly engage with the task at hand leaving parents to fill in the gaps.  The price of sending your child to public school is higher this year just like everything else.  You will pay more for school supplies and the supply list from your child’s teacher will likely be longer.  You will pay more for clothes and shoes this year as well. The solutions are never easy, but generally a tax or bond issue will be proposed to increase public school funding, while you likely feel you are already taxed enough…I am sure by now you are getting my drift…Change is needed and needed soon. 

We have a chance to help get our schools, and everything else, back on track.  This Fall, at the ballot box,  I beg you to consider what is needed to make our schools great as well as the community we live in.  Look at how far our education system has fallen and VOTE for the candidates who align with your faith, value system, and most importantly, preserve the family.

VOTE for the candidates who will ensure public school curriculum is about real education and safety, not indoctrination of impressionable young minds.  VOTE for the candidates who will unify the people of these United States of America making our country strong by bringing us back to our roots and the Constitution “we the people” have fought so hard to preserve.

Our schools and our children, who are the future of our country, are on the ropes Wayne County; along with the rest of these United States.  Examine your conscience, do your research and VOTE!


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