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This Valentine's Day......LOVE!

February brings to mind for many, thoughts of love, more specifically Valentine’s Day and the expected celebrations, extravagant dinner dates and sparkly gifts. School children decorate boxes and exchange Valentine cards and there is usually heart shaped candy involved.


Celebrating this holiday of love is awesome, but what would be truly awesome is to carry that spirit of love always in our hearts, to have the attitude of celebration when we greet each day and each person along our path. To quote John Lennon from his song Love, “Love is real, real is love, love is feeling, feeling love, love is wanting to be loved.” The reality of love is in the heartbeat of the people that surround us whether that is family, friends or passersby. Feeling love is the explosion in our soul when we witness a sunrise, a birth, crashing surf on a clear Carolina blue skied day, or an unexpected citing of a Blue Heron on the front porch.


Now, wanting to be loved gives me pause.  There are so many of our population who want to be loved.  Love may always seem elusive for those who feel they don’t have that special someone in their lives. But, for those who are living love, love is always there. It is found in kindness, a handshake, a warm embrace, in a simple conversation with a stranger, and the laughter of a child.  The feelings evoked during those everyday miracles give us the definition of love; God, God is love. There is no greater love than the love God has for all of us. He has been there for us from the beginning and will be there on the last day. Love just may be simpler than you thought.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Mary Wroblewski


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