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Who Are the Least of These?By Sandy Brannan

When I think about Matthew 25:40, it’s easy to feel regret.

Being kind to others truly is the same as being kind to Jesus because He said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

I wonder how it would be if we saw Jesus instead of those, for whatever reason, we don’t naturally want to reach out to in kindness. I imagine their surprise by our actions instead of our usual reactions. I imagine their joy. I imagine them repaying to someone else the kindness they receive from us. And all because we are simply being who we are in Christ.

Accepting Jesus truly saves you, makes you born again. As a new creation, our hearts change. Now, it doesn’t happen overnight, and we’re never going to be perfect, but we do change. Yes, being a Christian means we’re like Christ, but, unlike Him, we’ll never be without spot or blemish.

The more we spend time with Him, in His Word and in prayer, the more we cultivate our relationship with the Holy Spirit who is quick to help us see others how He sees them. God doesn’t see people as less-than, the way we sometimes do.

I know better than to live in regret, but I can’t help but wonder how many opportunities to show my love for Jesus I’ve thrown away over the years because I didn’t recognize the least of them.


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